
Student´s Profile

Admission profile

It is desirable that the applicant to study the Engineering in Telematics has the following characteristics:


1. Interest in data networks and telecommunications.

2. Interest in communication technologies between wireline and wireless devices and the Internet of things.

3. Interest in considering the relationship between technology, ecology and society.

4. Ability for logical-mathematical thinking.

5. Innovative and creative attitude.

6. Critical thinking, reflective and proactive.

7. Availability for collaborative work.

8. Availability to learn to learn, learn to undertake and learn to be.

9. Basic knowledge of computers and the English language.


Graduate Profile

Upon graduation the Telematics Engineer will have the knowledge in the areas of networks and telecommunications, computer science, computer architecture, distributed systems, electronics and mathematics. The following competences will be developed:


1. Implement and manage networks to guarantee telecommunications with security and responsibility.

2. Design architectures for embedded systems for the purpose of developing technologies

3. Develops computer systems to optimize processes in order to add value

4. Implements and administers distributed systems to integrate multiple resources with the purpose of impacting the availability and capacity of computing resources.

5. Manipulate electronic devices to generate the transmission of data in order to meet specific functions.


The graduate will be formed with ethics, social, legal and ecological responsibility; in search of the quality in the services and the value of continuous improvement to keep updated in the area of ​​telematics. The graduate will be able to work as a team, with leadership and innovation.

The graduate can act as a consultant, consultant, researcher, administrator, programmer, as well as in any area that requires the transmission of information.

