
Degree in Medical Surgeon and Obstetrician

The mission of this degree program is to train doctors with social, human and ethical commitment, allowing them to practice the profession with quality and honesty, responding to the demands of their community and constantly updating scientific and technological advances in health benefits individually and collectively and with satisfaction of the staff in their work.

Our program is of good quality for its excellent scientific and humanistic training, with ethical behavior, with a preventive profile and primary health care to preserve the biopsychosocial balance of the individual, the family and the community.


Mtro. Alfonso Gafford Soto
Puesto: Coordinador
Ubicación: Edificio de Anatomìa y Tècnicas Quirùrgicas
Teléfono: (322) 226 2200 Ext. 66297, 66253
Correo electrónico: alfonso.gafford@cuc.udg.mx
